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Exam Code: 1D0-635
Exam Name: CIW (CIW JavaScript Specialist)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 55 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-27
1D0-635 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Consider the following code: <script type="text/javascript"> var v1 = "alpha"; function f () { var v2 =
"bravo"; alert (v1 + ", " + v2); } f(); v1="charlie"; alert (v1 + ", " + v2); </script> What is the expected result
when you run this script in the browser?
A. An alert box displaying charlie, bravo
B. An alert box displaying alpha, bravo followed by an error
C. Two alert boxes displaying alpha, bravo and alpha, bravo respectively
D. Two alert boxes displaying alpha, bravo and charlie, bravo respectively, followed by an error
Answer: B
CIW 1D0-635 questions 1D0-635 1D0-635
NO.2 Which of the following is a valid variable name in JavaScript?
A. this
B. that
C. 2that
D. 2this
Answer: B
CIW braindump 1D0-635 questions 1D0-635 dumps 1D0-635 certification 1D0-635 test questions
NO.3 Which of the following demonstrate the correct syntax for the switch statement?
A. var myName= "Paul"
switch (myName)
case "Peter"
document.write("My name is Peter.<br />"
case "Paul"
document.write("My name is Paul.<br />"
break: (default)
document.write("I do not have a name.<br />"
B. var myName= "Paul"
switch (myName)
case "Peter"
document.write("My name is Peter.<br />"
case "Paul"
document.write("My name is Paul.<br />"
break: (default)
document.write("I do not have a name.<br />"
C. var myName= "Paul"
switch (myName)
case (Peter)
document.write("My name is Peter.<br />"
case (Paul)
document.write("My name is Paul.<br />"
case: (default)
document.write("I do not have a name.<br />"
D. var myName= "Paul"
switch (myName)
case (Peter)
document.write("My name is Peter.<br />"
case (Paul)
document.write("My name is Paul.<br />"
case: (default)
document.write("I do not have a name.<br />"
Answer: A
CIW 1D0-635 test questions 1D0-635 questions
NO.4 Assuming the function <body onload="DisplayName()"> is called, which script block will display Hello
Joe in the document window after you enter the name Joe?
A. <script type="text/javascript"
function DisplayName(void)
var YourName = window.prompt("What is your name?","Please enter your name")
document.write("Hello " + YourName)
B. <script type="text/javascript"
function DisplayName()
var YourName = window.prompt("What is your name?","Please enter your name")
document.write("Hello " + YourName)
C. <script type="text/javascript"
function DisplayName(void)
var YourName = document.prompt("What is your name?",Please enter your name)
document.write("Hello " + YourName)
D. <script type="text/javascript"
function DisplayName()
var YourName = document.prompt("What is your name?","Please enter your name")
document.write("Hello " + yourname)
Answer: B
CIW 1D0-635 test questions 1D0-635 1D0-635
NO.5 Consider the following code fragment, which sets up the retrieval of an XML document named fish.xml
and calls a function named showFish(): var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",
"fish.xml", true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = showFish(); xmlhttp.send();
Which line of code initializes the XMLHttpRequest object.?
A. xmlhttp.send();
B. var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
C."GET", "fish.xml", true);
D. xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = showFish();
Answer: C
CIW practice test 1D0-635 questions 1D0-635 dumps
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