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Exam Code: HP0-755
Exam Name: HP (HP OpenView Operations II (7.x) UNIX )
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Total Q&A: 60 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-24
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NO.1 Which one of the following statements about individual messages is true?
A. When message forwarding is enabled, the managed node will send multiple copies of
configured messages to each responsible manager.
B. Managed nodes can send the same message with the same GUID to each responsible
manager listed in its' flexible management template.
C. A message sent from a managed node has a unique ID number (GUID), and only a
single instance of this message will be sent out from the agent.
D. When a message is escalated to another management server, a second message with a
new GUID is sent from the managed node to the escalation manager/
Answer: C
HP demo HP0-755 dumps HP0-755 certification training HP0-755
NO.2 To determine a managed node's primary manager in a backup server flexible
management environment:
A. the management server is added to the snmp destination list on the managed node.
B. the IP address of the management server is held in the file
C. the hostname of the management server is held in the file
D. the managed node responds to any OVO management server which establishes
heartbeat polling.
Answer: C
HP HP0-755 HP0-755 HP0-755
NO.3 Escalation of messages:
A. occurs at management server level; the managed nodes continue to send messages to
their primary managers.
B. causes the original message to be acknowledged in the active browser of the operator
who escalated it, so that it is only displayed on the escalated station.
C. permits the operator to select an alternative management server to display the
escalated message.
D. allows messages from managed nodes to be sent by the managed node to a specified
secondary manager.
Answer: A
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NO.4 You have distributed a followthesun template to twenty managed nodes, and now
decide that two of these nodes need unique templates. What should you do?
A. Create node specific templates for those two nodes and distribute templates to the two
managed nodes.
B. Remove all templates from the respmgrs directory and distribute templates with the
Force option checked to the two managed nodes.
C. Log onto the two managed nodes and update the template from their distribution trees.
D. Perform a template distribution to the two managed nodes with the templates option
Answer: A
HP HP0-755 certification training HP0-755 HP0-755 HP0-755
NO.5 The embedded performance component collects several metrics on the managed
node and stores the data on the managed node. After ________weeks the first week
of data is overwritten.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
Answer: C
HP certification HP0-755 braindump HP0-755 exam simulations HP0-755
NO.6 Assume that the manager-to-manager configuration has been completed. Choose
the three statements that are TRUE regarding Message Forwarding.
A. Message Forwarding is done automatically by the initiating management server.
B. The message can be forwarded to multiple managers.
C. The message status updates are propagated to the management servers which hold a
copy of the message.
D. Messages can be forwarded to managed nodes.
Answer: A, B, C
HP HP0-755 study guide HP0-755 HP0-755 HP0-755
NO.7 In an MC/Service Guard installation, which directories are located on the share
A. /opt/OV/bin
B. /opt/Oracle
C. /var/opt/OV/share and /etc/opt/OV/share
D. /etc/opt/OV
Answer: C
HP HP0-755 practice test HP0-755 exam dumps HP0-755 original questions HP0-755 dumps HP0-755 practice test
NO.8 You have a backup OpenView Operations management server and you wish to
replicate the OVO database configuration from your production system. The
commands you will execute are ____.
A. opccfgdwn, opcmgrdist, opccfgupld
B. opccfgdwn, opccfgupld
C. opctmplexport opctmplimport
D. export data from oracle database into a file and reload it
Answer: A
HP test answers HP0-755 HP0-755 test answers HP0-755 HP0-755 HP0-755
NO.9 The message manager must reread the configuration template for the outages if the
system administrator or an external application has changed that file.
A command line tool, _________, is available to start the (re-)configure request.
A. opccfgout -update
B. opccfgout - refresh
C. opcconfig -update
D. opcforwm -refresh
Answer: A
HP HP0-755 test HP0-755 practice test HP0-755 HP0-755 demo
NO.10 A template is needed for the configuration of the service hours/scheduled outages.
This template is ____________.
A. an XML file on the agent describing which action must be taken at the current time
B. located in /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/respmgrs/outage on the management
C. an OVO template type, that will be distributed to the agents
D. a binary file on the management server located in /etc/opt/OV/share
Answer: B
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